
The Club has organised with its supplier a full list of club merchandise and prices and these are listed in the pdf file set out below. Click on the title and the file will open in a new page. You can then see what is available, what colours and sizes and so on. All items will be embroidered with the VBC emblem in black, white and yellow included in the price

Once you’ve decided what you want to buy ordering will be by special order directly from our Merchandise Czar Alistair Mackie. So please contact Alistair to order (his contact details are in the members list on the Members Details page in the Members’ section) and he will advise the P&P cost and probable delivery date.

The Club has not added any margin to the prices we pay our supplier so you will be asked to make a donation to the President’s Charity when you pick up your goods – just pop it into the big Jar on the Bar

Payment can be made by BACS transfer to the Club account or by card payment in the club house. If you wish to pay by BACS payment please contact the Treasurer for the club’s bank account details – if you don’t have them already. When paying please give “Goodies” as the reference for the payment.

MerchandiseA list and prices of the Club merchandise available.