Membership information
Who can become a member?
Membership is open to anybody over the age of 18.
How much does it cost to join?
There is no joining fee. The annual membership subscription is currently £120 for a playing member.
Fees for playing in-house matches and one day competition games vary from £2 to £5.00 depending on the event – some have an additional charge for the lunch provided. For casual play (eight ends) the cost is £1.50 per game.
What are the opening hours?
Please view our current opening hours.
Do you cater for beginners?
The Club prides itself on creating a friendly, welcoming environment to everybody, regardless of ability. In fact, the majority of the membership never bowled before joining Victoria.
How do I become a Member of the Victoria Bowling Club?
To become a member, you can complete the form below. You will then be contacted by the Membership Secretary who will arrange for you to visit the Club for a familiarisation tour and a free introductory game, if you would like one. Provided you are happy, you can arrange payment of the membership subscription (we take card, cash or cheque). You can then start playing and enjoying the facilities immediately.
Alternatively, you can contact the Membership Secretary via our contact form for more information.