The Club’s 3rd Open Day on Bank Holiday Monday of 27th May, and the first of 2024, dawned wet, cold and miserable – BUT brightened in time for opening.
Was it a success?
The weather forecast wasn’t accurate and it affected our number of visitors, but those who did visit enjoyed sun and a surfeit of members willing to offer help in how to bowl – so much so it must have been the busiest Monday on the Green since last year’s very first Open Day. We had visitors, very ably welcomed and registered by Membership Secretary Phil Shaul, who then introduced them to the members and bowling commenced. We are optimistic we will get some new members from the day
The clubhouse table was adorned by a wide selection of home made cakes and goodies – all donated by the members or their partners/spouses and varied from gluten free offerings to fly cemetery shortcake to sunken fruit sponge fingers and several others. The star bake of the day was Richard Beck’s granddaughter’s blueberry and lime drizzle tray bake
A day enjoyed by visitors and members all, and a big thank you to everyone who delivered leaflets, baked cakes and helped on the day and to John and Debbie for looking after the bar and the catering and Phil for organising the whole show.